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> El problema de los tres cuerpos [reseña] <

CIXIN LIU. Editorial NOVA 2016 (Original: "3 cuerpos", 2006)

De la editorial:
Este libro ofrece la posibilidad única de acercarse al fenómeno editorial chino que ha conquistado el mundo y ha ganado el premio Hugo 2015 a la mejor novela, siendo la primera vez que una obra no escrita originariamente en inglés merece tal reconocimiento. Su autor, Cixin Liu, es el escritor de ciencia ficción más relevante en China, capaz de vender más de un millón de ejemplares en su país y convencer a prescriptores de la talla de Barack Obama, quien seleccionó El problema de los tres cuerpos como una de sus lecturas navideñas de 2015, y Mark Zuckerberg, que lo convirtió en la primera novela de su club de lectura. Ahora el público y la crítica de los cinco continentes se rinden a esta obra maestra, enormemente visionaria, sobre el papel de la ciencia en nuestras sociedades, que nos ayuda a comprender el pasado y el futuro de China, pero también, leída en clave geopolítica, del mundo en que vivimos...

Con esta introducción, era difícil resistirse a la tentación de adquirir y leer "El problema de los tres cuerpos", del autor chino Cixin Liu, un fenómeno editorial en su país y, sorprendentemente, también fuera de él. ¿Cuál es la razón del éxito de esta novela de ciencia ficción?

En primer lugar, tengo que admitir que, de entrada, no puedo ser muy objetivo con esta novela. Me fascina China (yo mismo he publicado una novela con China como argumento principal) y me apasiona la ciencia y la ficción, a partes iguales (también tengo novelas propias en relación con ello). Sea lo que fuere, tenía que ser novedoso. Y lo es. Rozando la perfección, aunque, como digo más adelante, no ha conseguido ser en mi opinión una novela totalmente redonda.

Supongo que no hay más remedio que caer en algún spoiler en esta reseña. Difícilmente puede hablarse del libro sin cometer esta falta. La novela narra en su comienzo la historia pasada de una familia de científicos en plena Revolución Cultural. Y lo hace con una crudeza que solo un chino como Cixin Liu, probablemente, puede llegar a narrar. Esto nos conduce más adelante hasta una enigmática base científico-militar china desde la que se pretende -con una ingenuidad que, tal vez, sea la mayor debilidad de la narración- buscar vida extraterrestre inteligente, emulando las actividades similares que llevan a cabo los occidentales. En este punto, uno identifica claramente a una de las protagonistas de "3 cuerpos", Ye Wenjie, con la inefable protagonista del Contact de Carl Sagan, genialmente encarnada por la actriz Jodie Foster. Sagan, con todo lo que fue -mucho en todo-, no destacó por su excelencia literaria en la ficción y, en mi humilde opinión, "3 cuerpos" supera en varios cuerpos a la mencionada Contact. Pero no es el caso ahora.

Dejando estas puertas abiertas, Cixin Liu nos ubica en el presente con las peripecias de un ingeniero especialista en nanotecnología, Wang Miao. Éste, con la colaboración de un extraño policía (Shi Qiang), tendrá que desfacer los entuertos que se le presentan. Que no son pocos. Tal vez la figura de Shi Qiang es excesiva en la narración, pero se soporta con gusto. Wang Miao, a través de un extraño juego de realidad virtual denominado precisamente "3 cuerpos", irá desvelando aspectos pasados, presentes e incluso futuros de una hipotética civilización que se extingue periódicamente de forma, en principio, inexplicable. Tal vez los mejores pasajes de la novela correspondan a la descripción de esta realidad virtual, donde se juntan referencias a grandes científicos occidentales (desde Von Neumann a Einstein, pasando por Galileo y Copérnico), con relatos fantásticos, en cualquier acepción posible que le podamos dar a este adjetivo. Por ejemplo, la recreación de un ordenador basado en los movimientos de un millonario ejército de ordenados soldados con banderitas, es impagable.

Atreviéndome con otro spoiler, el juego pretende buscar una solución al problema clásico gravitatorio de los tres cuerpos, necesario para la supervivencia de una civilización en una estrella cercana (el triple sistema Alfa-Centauri) que ha entrado en contacto directo con la Foster (perdón, con Ye Wenjie). Lo que pasa después tienen que leerlo, faltaría más.

Lo mejor del libro: La desbordante imaginación del autor; la fantástica relación -parece que perdida en Occidente- entre Ciencias, Humanidades y también Política; la nueva visión de la narrativa oriental, tan original como bien elaborada. Y, por supuesto, el excelente argumento.

Lo peor del libro: Algunas (pocas) pifias científicas (los espejos amplificadores electromagnéticos son poco creíbles, por ejemplo, por no hablar del plegado protónico); la ingenuidad de muchos personajes ya mencionada y, por desgracia, el desenlace final, que dista un poco/mucho de ser perfecto. Aunque ya hay continuación del libro, no sé si traducida ya al español (en chino no me atrevo)

Lo dicho. Muy recomendable para una larga Semana Santa si quieren, de verdad, leer algo realmente distinto.

2017-04-12 21:57 | joven | 650 Comentarios | #

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We have the best technical support facility where we deal with a variety of issues arising in Kindle Fire e-readers. You can call us on our Kindle Fire support phone number to resolve issues in your Kindle Fire tablets. 

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De: Norton Com Setup Fecha: 2018-10-24 14:04

As we know Norton AntiVirus is anti-malware software developed by Symantec Corporation. If you’re new to it and don’t know how to set up your Norton then visit Norton Com Setup for the better assistance or simply get in touch with our technical experts. For the best guideline, call us.

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De: Belkin Range Extender Setup Fecha: 2018-10-26 08:13

We assist you when your Router needs additional configuration to meet the requirements specified in your ISP. You can get help on the specific issues of ISP from Belkin knowledge base by contacting us through email or toll-free number. So, whenever you come across a problem in Belkin WiFi extender setup, you have to contact us in our number.

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De: Amazon Kindle Support Fecha: 2018-11-19 11:30

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De: Roku Com Link Fecha: 2018-11-19 11:57

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De: RR email Fecha: 2018-11-21 09:17

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De: RR email Fecha: 2018-11-21 09:19

We can help setup RR email login on your Windows 10 email app. The process is quite simple as you just have to enter a few details in the incoming and outgoing email servers. But, if you are finding difficulties, then call us today.

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De: Connect To Chromecast Fecha: 2018-11-21 10:59

We have amassed a team of experts who will help you out with the process of Google Chromecast setup. Most people who are using Chromecast don’t know the process of setting up this device even after they follow the steps given at Google com Chromecast setup. They can call us for any detail related to Chromecast setup.

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De: Connect To Chromecast Fecha: 2018-11-21 11:02

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We can help you if there is any problem doing Time Warner email login. Generally, it is the wrong password or the username that creates login related issues, or sometimes both. So, if you want to fix login problem, then call us. 

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De: Chromecast Wont Connect Fecha: 2018-12-03 11:41

We can assist you regarding the process of how to make your home internet network connect to Chromecast. You need to keep one thing in mind that if Chromecast is not connected to the internet, then you won’t be able to stream anything. If you have tried everything, yet the problem exists, then call us.

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As we know Norton AntiVirus is anti-malware software developed by Symantec Corporation. If you’re new to it and don’t know how to set up your Norton then visit Norton Com Setup for the better assistance or simply get in touch with our technical experts. For the best guideline, call us. 

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De: Eliza Wilson Fecha: 2018-12-21 06:25

We offer the service of AirPort Extreme Setup. If you’re searching for setting up a secure and fast wireless network in your residential or commercial place, then the AirPort Extreme is an ideal solution. It is incredibly simple-to-setup and easy-to-use. You need to take the AirPort Extreme out of the box and then plug it in. However, some of the initial configuration steps are required to make a wireless network up and to run it smoothly. Call us to know more in this regard.

We provide the facility of Apple AirPort Extreme Setup. Your search for setting up of a fast as well as secure wireless network in your home or office will be completed by having the AirPort Extreme. Apple AirPort Extreme is easy-to-setup and utilization. First, you need to take this device out of its box and then plug it in. However, some initial steps of configuration are needed for making a wireless network up and operating smoothly. Call us for more details.


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De: Time Capsule setup Fecha: 2019-01-09 12:02

We can provide you with the best assistance regarding Apple Router, popularly known as AirPort. If you are using Apple Router and want to know the steps for Apple Router setup, then you can either log onto our website or call us at our Apple router tech support number.

We have the best support facility for Apple Time Capsule. If you are using this incredible router, which is compact and extremely powerful, then you must know how to properly do Apple Time Capsule Setup. For that, you can contact us through our tech support number.

We know how to do Time Capsule setup, so if you are using this amazing device, then you must know the right steps to setup it otherwise it will not work properly. You can find the steps for setting up the device online or you can call us at our toll-free number. 


De: iPad Printer Settings Fecha: 2019-01-09 12:45

iPad Printer Setup : We know how to setup iPad Printer. So, if you want to print pages through your iPad printer, then you need to make sure that iPad printer setup has been properly done. For that, you can take our help as well. Just call us at our iPad Printer tech support number.

AirPrint setup : We have a team of experts who can help you with AirPrint setup process. If you were trying to setup this device for quite some time, but failing in every attempt, then you must be trying the wrong steps altogether. You can setup this device easily if you call us now. 

iPad Printer Settings : We have a team of iPad printer tech experts who will assist you regarding iPad printer settings. You can’t make iPad printer work unless you have the right iPad printer settings. But, if you don’t know where to look for those settings, then you can contact us on our iPad printer toll-free tech support number.​

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De: Go Assignment Help Fecha: 2019-01-14 14:09

Finally, when you are done with your dissertation writing, make sure you have sent it to the respective source or saved it in your drive. It’s always better to follow these assignment help tips rather than moving around with guilt of unfinished work hanging over you. We know that every student faces this situation during their academic life and when you have lots and lots to do, a proper way to manage your dissertation help you spend less time getting more adept.

De: NBC Com Activate Fecha: 2019-01-16 07:12

We offer help and support for NBC app, so if you want to watch content from NBC Sports, but don’t know how to activate the app, then you can take our help for NBC Sports Activate process. It doesn’t matter which streaming device you use, you will be able to get it done if you call us at our toll-free number.

De: How To Setup AirPort Extreme Fecha: 2019-01-18 08:41

We offer the service of AirPort Extreme Setup. If you’re searching for setting up a secure and fast wireless network in your residential or commercial place, then the AirPort Extreme is an ideal solution. It is incredibly simple-to-setup and easy-to-use. You need to take the AirPort Extreme out of the box and then plug it in. However, some of the initial configuration steps are required to make a wireless network up and to run it smoothly. Call us to know more in this regard. 

We provide the facility of Apple AirPort Extreme Setup. Your search for setting up of a fast as well as secure wireless network in your home or office will be completed by having the AirPort Extreme. Apple AirPort Extreme is easy-to-setup and utilization. First, you need to take this device out of its box and then plug it in. However, some initial steps of configuration are needed for making a wireless network up and operating smoothly. Call us for more details. 

De: Natalia Fecha: 2019-01-21 15:30

De: Roku Com Link Fecha: 2019-01-22 06:52

We offer Roku support if www Roku com link code enter, Not Connecting or Working, Streaming Stick Setup, Account Setup or Login, Remote Reset, Link Settings, ESPN or Netflix Activation, HDCP Unauthorized Content Disabled Error issues etc. Go to www Roku com support for help or call us.

De: assignment help Fecha: 2019-01-22 12:46

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De: Sonos Setup Fecha: 2019-01-23 12:18

We provide support to those looking for Sonos connect manual & Sonos Connect alternative. To know how to connect Sonos speaker to Amp, Alexa, Echo Dot, TV, WiFi, App, take our help. To know how to setup Sonos Play 1, Play 3, Play 5 setup, Playbar, Soundbar, Boost, Bridge, surround Sound, call us.

De: Geek Squad Tech Support Fecha: 2019-01-24 15:00

Geek Squad Tech Support team deals in all sort of technical issues your electrical gadget may face. Geek Squad Tech Support teams help in rescuing customers from various tech issues.

De: Dell Printer Support Fecha: 2019-01-24 15:23

Dell Printer Support is a team of experts who takes care of your dell printer issue. Our support is capable of dealing with any dell printer glitches. In case you're having issue with you dell printer contact dell Printer Support and get instant help.

De: Geek Squad Tech Support Fecha: 2019-01-25 08:18

Geek Squad Tech Support is customer support which is available whole day and night that take cares of customer devices. If you face any problem with your device then contact Geek Squad Tech Support and get expert help.

De: HP Printer Support Fecha: 2019-01-25 12:17

Thanks for sharing this information. If you're any kind of issue with of your printer device contact HP Printer Support for solution

De: Geek Squad Tech Support Fecha: 2019-01-25 12:18

Geek Squad Online Support provides online support for your damaged devices. The team of online support is experienced in dealing with tech issues online. In case you're facing issue with your device contact Geek Squad Online Support

De: Brother Printer Support Fecha: 2019-01-25 14:55

Brother Printer Support team handles all the tech issues like paper jamming, improper cable connection, inks issues etc. perfectly. Brother Support team is active 24/7 for customer help, In case of any Printer issues contact Brother Printer Support

De: Acer Support Fecha: 2019-01-26 13:32

Acer Support is a team of well experienced experts who takes care of your Acer devices. If you are facing any problem with your Acer device like your device is crashed, device is not working properly or any other problem then contact toll free number of Acer Tech Support and get instant help.

De: Dell Support Fecha: 2019-01-28 08:51

Dell Support is a team of experts who take care of your dell device issue. If face any problem with your device like your device is crashed,device is not working properly or others then contact Dell Tech Support and get instant help.

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De: iPad printer settings Fecha: 2019-02-05 08:13

iPad Printer Setup

We know how to setup iPad Printer. So, if you want to print pages through your iPad printer, then you need to make sure that iPad printer setup has been properly done. For that, you can take our help as well. Just call us at our iPad Printer tech support number.

AirPrint Setup

We have a team of experts who can help you with AirPrint setup process. If you were trying to setup this device for quite some time, but failing in every attempt, then you must be trying the wrong steps altogether. You can setup this device easily if you call us now. 

De: Time Capsule Setup Fecha: 2019-02-05 09:02

Apple Router Setup

We can provide you with the best assistance regarding Apple Router, popularly known as AirPort. If you are using Apple Router and want to know the steps for Apple Router setup, then you can either log onto our website or call us at our Apple router tech support number.

Apple Time Capsule Setup

We have the best support facility for Apple Time Capsule. If you are using this incredible router, which is compact and extremely powerful, then you must know how to properly do Apple Time Capsule Setup. For that, you can contact us through our tech support number.

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De: roku coms Fecha: 2019-10-17 12:20

How To Tackle Video Playback Problem Of Your Roku Media Player?
Tackle to Video Playback Problem
If you have landed on this website, then you are definitely facing problem in the playback of videos from your Roku Com Link media player. Well, keeping your queries and problem on priority, we have discussed the steps to fix ‘Video playback’ problem of Roku media player.

First of all, to troubleshoot the player, it must be connected directly to the TV but not with the A/V receiver or any other cable.

Reasons why the video doesn’t play on the TV screen through Roku?

Incorrect input selected on the TV: This is one of the common cause of the video playback problem. If you have connected the Roku to input 1 and selected input 2 from the Roku remote, then you will find a problem in receiving the video on the screen. This problem mainly occurs if more than one device like gaming console and USB drive is connected to the TV.
Check the input port number to which the Roku Activation Code is connected from the back panel of the TV.
You can change the input mode of your Roku with the help of Roku remote. Click on the ‘Source’ button from the top of the remote.
If no source button is available, you will find it by another name like Aux, video or input. Press the relevant button from the remote.
Wait for some seconds until the device gets detected or displayed on the TV screen.
After the input gets selected, with the help of arrow button on the remote, select the right channel you want to play content from with display on the home screen.
If no video input detected so far, you will find ‘No signal’ or ‘No video’ message on the screen.
Video cable not inserted properly to the TV:
Check the cable connections properly if there is any loose connection at any point. If you are using HDMI cable as an extender to the Roku player, then check if it is faulty. If you are using a Roku stick, then connect it directly to the TV input port.
If the cable is broken from somewhere, then we recommend you to use new one.
Problem with TV:
If your TV has more than one HDMI port, then connect the Roku Link to the alternate port and try playing the content.
If the video is still not played, then you can take the Roku along and connect it to your friend’s TV. This will let you know the real cause of the problem.
Check if anything else fails:
If after implementing the steps mentioned above, you are still coming across the same problem, then check for other possible causes of the problem like reconnecting the cable.
If you still face the problem visit our website or contact our toll customer care at +1-855-203-0401 executives for further help.

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De: roku coms Fecha: 2019-10-17 12:21

How To Tackle Video Playback Problem Of Your Roku Media Player?
Tackle to Video Playback Problem
If you have landed on this website, then you are definitely facing problem in the playback of videos from your Roku Com Link media player. Well, keeping your queries and problem on priority, we have discussed the steps to fix ‘Video playback’ problem of Roku media player.

First of all, to troubleshoot the player, it must be connected directly to the TV but not with the A/V receiver or any other cable.

Reasons why the video doesn’t play on the TV screen through Roku?

Incorrect input selected on the TV: This is one of the common cause of the video playback problem. If you have connected the Roku to input 1 and selected input 2 from the Roku remote, then you will find a problem in receiving the video on the screen. This problem mainly occurs if more than one device like gaming console and USB drive is connected to the TV.
Check the input port number to which the Roku Activation Code is connected from the back panel of the TV.
You can change the input mode of your Roku with the help of Roku remote. Click on the ‘Source’ button from the top of the remote.
If no source button is available, you will find it by another name like Aux, video or input. Press the relevant button from the remote.
Wait for some seconds until the device gets detected or displayed on the TV screen.
After the input gets selected, with the help of arrow button on the remote, select the right channel you want to play content from with display on the home screen.
If no video input detected so far, you will find ‘No signal’ or ‘No video’ message on the screen.
Video cable not inserted properly to the TV:
Check the cable connections properly if there is any loose connection at any point. If you are using HDMI cable as an extender to the Roku player, then check if it is faulty. If you are using a Roku stick, then connect it directly to the TV input port.
If the cable is broken from somewhere, then we recommend you to use new one.
Problem with TV:
If your TV has more than one HDMI port, then connect the Roku Link to the alternate port and try playing the content.
If the video is still not played, then you can take the Roku along and connect it to your friend’s TV. This will let you know the real cause of the problem.
Check if anything else fails:
If after implementing the steps mentioned above, you are still coming across the same problem, then check for other possible causes of the problem like reconnecting the cable.
If you still face the problem visit our website or contact our toll customer care at +1-855-203-0401 executives for further help.

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De: roku coms Fecha: 2019-10-17 12:22

How to Watch Free Movies on Roku Private Channels
Watch Free Movies on Roku Private Channels
Free Movies are available and you can watch it on Roku private channels. All you need to do is to add the Channel to your Account. There are lots of private channels available to stream free movies

Free Movies are available and you can watch it on Roku private channels. All you need to do is to add the Channel to your Account. There are lots of private channels available to stream free movies
Know more about Roku Private Channels
Private channels are also known as Hidden channels or Non-Certified Channels.
Make a note that the Private channels will not be visible in the Channel store and you can add the Channel on your own
Users who have an active account can search and add the channel
Free Movies on Roku Private Channels
Find free movies on Roku Private channels every weekend. Access your Roku Channel store to find the Movie Channels like Film On. Also, Login to your account; go to the Roku channel store. Press the Add channel Option to add the selected Channel

Best Free Private Movie Channels on Roku
Some of the top and the best free Private movies channels on Roku include Crackle, Vudu, Comet TV Roku Channel, Tubi Tv Roku Channel, Pop Corn Flix Roku Channel, Pluto Tv Roku Channel, Snag Films Roku Channel, Midnight Pulp Roku Channel, Crunchy roll Roku Channel and a few more

Select your Favorite Movie Channel and add it to your account to stream your Favorites. You do not require any subscription to add the Free Movie Channels

Here are the other top and best List of Channel Categories in Roku:
Food and much more categories.
Silent Movie channel
Weather updates
How to Add a Private Channel
et up your Roku device using setup roku guidelines
Visit roku com link and Click on the link roku com link sign in
Enter the login details of the Account. Make sure you use the correct roku com link enter code
Once you log in, click on the Private channels option which will give out all the Private channels that are available in Roku.
Besides the channel name, Find the channel code, copy the Channel code and then enter the code in the box that says “CHANNEL ACCESS CODES”.
Then, Click “Yes, add Channel” and to add it to your www Roku com link account.
Now go to Settings > System > System Update > Check Now and check for updates
Once updated, the free movies on Roku private channel is added to the Channels’ List.
In the event that you find any issues with the Roku activation code, get assistance from our support team

Other Private Channels on Roku
Comet TV Roku Channel.
Crackle Roku Channel.
The Roku Channel.
www roku com link is where you can find more guidelines
Roku, Apple TV and Amazon Fire TV are three major manufacturers of a streaming device with Roku being the most versatile of those devices. You may find larger lists of free movies on Roku private channels. If you are getting only dead channels, it is best to visit our website to get more information. Also, dial the toll-free number +1-855-203-0401 for more Information. Our team of techies will assist you further.

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